Month: February 2016
A colorful face
He Eats People
He Eats Fish
The Fisher
He catches fish
Artsy Muddocks
Mud Muppets sell mud, which in some parts of the universe is also known as ceramic art, pottery, claywork or some other amalgamation of such technical, orphic and esoteric words.
Artsy Non-Muddocks
Mud Muppets also create things that may not involve mud. Sometimes they are mystically inspired to make non-muddocks art, such as oily paintings, metally works, and bananas.
Wholly Unfair Trade
Crafted with blood, sweat and tears, artsy muddocks are a byproduct of the slavery of the Mud Muppets, tiny golem-like creatures trapped in eternal and slightly soggy purgatory.
From a Galaxy Far, Far Away
The precious mud is fired in in the burning Pits of Blagsabolaralith on the planet Rog, south of the great dust nebula and very close to a large but mostly uninteresting interstellar cabbage patch.